Friday, March 5, 2010

Conquests - Week of February 28th

As with many hobbies, part of the fun of anime for me is racking up viewing hours (hopefully high quality viewing), tearing through a few more manga volumes, and expanding my personal library of anime.

Sadly, this week found work infringing on my normal evening anime viewings (alas, one must work if one wants to continue to purchase large amounts of anime). So my viewing and reading conquests were few this week; but are more than balanced out by my out of control purchase conquests . . . .


Ponyo - directed by the most incredible Hayao Miyazaki; as with other recent Studio Ghibli productions, this was released by Disney in the US. It's a creative retelling of the little mermaid. Family friendly, classic Miyazaki - meaning poignant emotion, never overbearing, very authentic. Gets an A- from me.

Pani Poni Dash! (disk 3) - madcap series. Definitely an acquired taste. Extensive and amusing extras. B+ (higher if you have an oddball sense of humor).

Big Windup! (disk 2, episodes 7-12) - FINALLY arrived from Netflix. This is the first series I've been able to get my father to watch; if you enjoy baseball, this is the anime to watch. The humor is well balanced, the characters are engaging (even if the main protagonist, Mihashi, gets aggravating at times). Makes me long for baseball season to start . . . . B+ (but only if you like baseball; and it doesn't hurt to be a huge Greg Ayres fan as he voices Abe the catcher and plays a large role).

Spice & Wolf (disk 1, episodes 1-7) - this is an odd series. Main characters are a traveling peddler and a wolf god (or goddess, named Holo). There is a lot of economics (yes, that's right, I said economics) being discussed, so if you are inclined to be interested in questions of currency valuing, trading, bargaining, etc., this is something to watch. The human interest is very engrossing, though; I really like the main characters and their interaction. Very mature. Will definitely get the next disk. A-.

Pretear (disk 1) - from the library. Pure junk food. Reasonably tasty, but nothing nourishing (some evil force will attack the world, good spirited but somewhat clumsy heroine is destined to be the only one capable of saving that world with the help of a handful of trusty and attractive knights). Honestly, the only thing that makes this worth watching is if you like the voice actors involved. It doesn't hurt to hear the voice of Shinji from Neon Genesis Evangelion in a completely different role (you know, one where he isn't constantly exhibiting psychological issues, screaming, or being mentally abused by his father and fellow pilots). C+.


Monster (volume 1) - Wow. Really, just wow. I'm going to try to read the manga of this while watching the anime. I'm thinking I'll read the volume first and then watch the corresponding episodes. This is definitely for adults only. What do you do if you're a neurosurgeon and you save a life that perhaps shouldn't be saved? I'm not sure what is going to happen, but this is shaping up to be one suspenseful psychological thriller. I've seen the first episode of this show and having Liam O'Brien as the neurosurgeon is really wonderful (he is probably best known for being Gaara in Naruto and/or for being Vincent Law in Ergo Proxy).

N.B. This is a mega, year-to-date version; except as otherwise noted, I've watched the entire series which I purchased. I'm thinking I might do a conquests column every week or two, so this is just to catch up with what I've gotten this year. Partially its to tell everyone what I've purchased and am excited about - but it is also to inform those of you who live nearby and who I see regularly of what I have in my library available to loan (hint, hint - ask! I want to share so that I have people to talk about these series with!!!).

Saiyuki (complete series) - Fun. Liked the interplay among characters, but it isn't a masterpiece. A 52 episode journey (that doesn't really get resolved). Deals in Chinese mythology (actually, a Chinese novel called Journey to the West). There are demons and wayward monks, gods and sarcastic/witty repartee. Not a bad way to pass some time. Gets a B.

Cromartie High School - Freddie Mercury and a Gorilla attend this high school, along with an assortment of juvenile delinquents. It has an aesthetic that randomly reminds me of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast (but not for any reason I can explain). I really like it, but I'm not sure how that reflects on my sense of humor. It is . . . . well, very odd. That said, I would give it a B+ if for no other reason than it made me laugh out loud.

Samurai Champloo (Blu-Ray) - awesome on so many levels. Samurai, ronin and hip hop. Voice of Spike form Bebop. Really, just a study in badassery. Grade A.

Baccano! - alchemy, mafia, prohibition, and two criminals who I wish would come and rob me (Isaac and Miria - seriously, one of the best anime pairings I've ever seen). Violent and funny, beautifully animated. And completely confusing (but in a good way). Definitely gets an A.

Lucky Star (volumes 1 and 2) - others have (accurately) described it as Seinfeld re-imagined as anime, with little girls and a concentration on being anime/manga otaku. Fantastic for anyone who is really, REALLY into anime. B+.

When They Cry - only seen the first two disks. Japan knows how to do horror. I had to stop watching because it was freaking me out. Take a bunch of very cute middle-schoolers, add in the occult and a lot of blood, and you have a truly disturbing show. Will eventually finish - but only during the day, with all the lights on, and someone else in the house with me. A-.

Monster - as mentioned in the manga section above, this show has gotten amazing reviews and I am waiting to get engrossed in it. I have the feeling this show is going to require a balls to the wall style of viewing. Am excited (and nervous) to see where it goes. Only see an episode, so too early to grade.

Paradise Kiss - seen all but the final disk. From the same creators who made BECK - basically another coming of age story, but replace the lead with a girl and have the concentration be on fashion instead of rock. Really well done. And, like BECK, I haven't been able to bring myself to finish it yet. Grade A- having watched 2/3 of the story.

Flag (volume 1) - this is a unique show. It covers an imaginary country and war from the vantage point of a photo journalist. The animation and POV is really interesting and well done - most of the animation is seen as if you are viewing it through a camera lens, looking at pictures, or watching a hand held video camera. Very cool. Only seen volume 1, but the subject matter and execution are quite mature. Female lead (the photo journalist in question) is the same lady who played Kaoru in Rurouni Kenshin (and I only know that from having looked her up, as she sounds completely different). Volume 1 gets an A for animation, and a B (so far) for story.

Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi - have only watched 2/3 of the show, but it is very funny. More so if you enjoy spoofs and satire. Each episode has the two main characters jumping from one parallel dimension to another, and each dimension plays up a certain anime or film genre. I especially liked the one that hearkens back to Bruce Lee movies. Good stuff. B+

Gasaraki - haven't seen any of this. But it has good reviews on and, so took the chance (OK, Chris Patton and Monica Rial play the main characters in this and I ADORE them, so that didn't hurt its chances of being purchased). It apparently has to do with mecha and I'm sure I'll report on how it is in coming weeks.

Princess Tutu - I'm one disk from the end. As the title suggests, this has to do with ballet. But it throws in a Brothers Grimm inspired theme (German fairy tales, and the dark version -- not the bastardized Disney version). Lots of fun, imaginative, fantastic extras (explaining classical music, ballet, and showing the voice actors in the studio working -- oh, and some very funny cast commentary and bloopers), and a sublime classical score. If you can get over the fact that there are tutus, tights and point shoes, it is really a lovely series. A.

Naruto Shippuden (volume 1 ... first three disks) - have only seen the first episode. The time skip seems to have served the series well. Am not ready to start watching because I have the feeling I'll become overly engrossed and don't have the time right now to start tearing through another 200 episode series.

Trinity Blood - such a fun series, I like any series where the Vatican employees battle android priests. Oh, and where other priests are actually vampires (OK, one priest is a vampire, but really, how many would you need). Was a bit bummed by the end of the series (turns out the author of the manga it was based on planned this to be a trilogy of stories, but passed away having only written one). Still, the animation is good and there is good action. Not a masterpiece. B-.

Darker Than Black (volumes 1 and 4) - I am so upset that they are releasing a box set. I had already bought volume 1 in a collector box and had it signed by various actors from the show. So I can't get rid of it. Anyway, the series is really good SF. Interesting, well animated, great soundtrack. And it has a sequel currently being dubbed -- SO stoked. Can't think of any reason someone shouldn't watch this series. A-.

Soul Eater (volume 1) - I've seen most of the first disk when I was at New York Anime Festival 2009 (it premiered there with most of the cast present). It was fun. Looks like a better version of D.Gray-man. I liked the characters and their quirks, the ideas that these shinigami pair up with human versions of their weapons (these characters turn into weapons when need be, but are otherwise in human form). From what I recall, I'd give it a B (and hope for better things in the future).

Eureka Seven: Good Night, Sleep Tight Young Lovers (Blu-Ray) - just received this. Will clearly have to finally finish watching the Eureka Seven series so I can watch the movie. *sigh* my procrastination is kicking me in the ass.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Premium OVA Collection - I hate to say this, but, eh. Didn't love it. Somewhat amusing, but only about 45 minutes of material. And it was funny, but only because of inside jokes. Did like the last short, where we sort of see what happened to Ed in our world following the evens of FMA: Conqueror of Shamballa. But really, it's only for die hard fans. C+.

Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit (disks 1, 2, 7 and 8) - bought the first volume with the collector case, and the last two volumes so I can eventually actually finish this amazing series. It is fantastic. I unreservedly suggest that everyone watch it. Really. A+.

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